Progress & Paleo

My little man has made some really great progress since I last posted. I added lithium to his routine and it made a huge difference. Don’t worry, it isn’t that lithium! It is trace mineral levels of lithium orotate. It helps with methylation and also can decrease brain inflammation.

After one month on it he started to use some 2-word phrases such as “hiya mama” and “bye-bye dada.” He also has been able to follow more directions like, “Give mama the remote” and “The milk is in daddy’s office, can you go get it?” He also is doing a great job with imitating many words, although his ABA therapy may have more to do with that one.

In other news, I decided to go Paleo. Not just any Paleo, but the Autoimmune Protocol as described by in her new book The Paleo Approach. It is a pretty restrictive diet that is meant to heal the gut and discover if you have any food intolerances. It certainly isn’t for everyone, but if you have medical issues stemming from mthfr you should look into it. The science is solid  – that is very important to me. I’ll do a full review when I have finished reading it.

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